Selected entries will be posted on
billboards and social media.
There are people in
our lives that make an
impact on us.
A lot of those just
happen to be teachers.
Here is a chance to say
Please tell us who you are.
Schools were closed, then opened, then closed and opened again. Kids were sent home to quarantine and Zoom classrooms became all the norm. Teachers did as best they could. Parents, caught off guard, put in that extra effort to support their children’s learning. Often it was an overwhelming experience. But parents and teachers came to see each other in a new light.

Now with schools open and teachers back in class, it's time to reflect on what we've all been through and how we've depended on each other. And now, on World Teachers Day, let's throw teachers a well-deserved 'thank you.'
"On behalf of Alberta's teachers, thank you, parents for all you have done over the last 18 months to help support learning to continue."
– Jason Schilling, ATA President

Read some of the Thank You comments so far.

Showing 864 reactions

  • - 2021-10-05 12:35:34 -0600
    A heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to all the AB teachers but especially to those at Colonel Irvine & Sir Winston Churchill!

    Our gratitude goes out to you for:

    -navigating all this uncertainty & stress with grace & kindness
    -showing our kids that you care about them
    -still trying to teach our kids despite Covid
    -supporting our kids when they haven’t weathered this pandemic well
    -learning & adapting formats on short notice when you had to
    -splitting your attention between our family and yours
    -for showing up everyday when it would have been easier to not for the past 19 months.

    THANK YOU Teachers!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:33:48 -0600
    Thank you to teachers of Alberta for doing your best during these crazy times. Hold your ground against the Kenney curriculum. Kids and teachers deserve better!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:31:56 -0600
    Thanks to all the wonderful teachers who inspired me as a student 30 years ago, and to all the amazing teachers I work with today.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:31:51 -0600
  • - 2021-10-05 12:30:27 -0600
    You are wonderful, magnificent, caring, kind group of people who put their lives out there every single day for the chance to make a mark on a child that will bring a positive impact to them. Thank you for all you do!! Know there are many many many people who admire you and pray for you each day! Bless you! 💕
  • - 2021-10-05 12:28:43 -0600
    To all the teachers in Alberta Thank You for all you do. You have overcome so many challenges in the last 18 months and continue to work hard for the children of this province.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:28:09 -0600
    Thanks to all you dedicated teachers who have weathered many a storm in the past two years!
    God bless you all and give you strength for the future😃
  • - 2021-10-05 12:27:14 -0600
    Thanks to the many teachers that I had the privilege to work with. This past season has been challenging for you.
    As professionals you have found ways to cope. Thanks for all your efforts.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:26:36 -0600
    Thanks to all the teachers that are doing their best in this very hard time.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:23:32 -0600
    ​HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!! ICNA Sisters Edmonton wishes you a very happy teacher’s day. You build relationships, you inspire, you draw out human potential. There is no more important job or work than teaching and learning! We appreciate and honour your work for guiding, inspiring and motivating students to be better citizens for the community and world at large. ICNA sisters is a non-profit organization working towards bringing a positive change in the community. To honour teachers, ICNA Sisters Edmonton in collaboration with Tim Hortons is offering free coffee at two Tim Locations. 470 St. Albert Trail Road(with a free 🍩)​
  • - 2021-10-05 12:22:07 -0600
    I retired from teaching almost 20 years ago. I thought I had it rough then…..but compared to teaching today it was a “walk in the park”. I appreciate greatly what teaching has done for me, for my children and now my grandchildren. You guys are awesome.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:21:36 -0600
    Sincere thanks to all in the education bubble who works tirelessly to educate young minds & prepare these curious & bright minds for the future that awaits them. They are our future.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:21:00 -0600
    Thank you for your love of young people, and your love of learning.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:20:59 -0600
    To my daughter and all her hardworking colleagues in Alberta and around the world ~ thank you! You are changing children’s lives, just as my life was changed by teachers who saw my potential and encouraged me to spread my wings.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:20:03 -0600
    Kudos to all teachers and support staff who soldier on in the classroom, in spite of worries of becoming infected with Covid, or taking it home to family! And for also swiftly adapting to on-line learning and back again!
    Keeping up enthusiasm for learning and bringing out the best in your students is daunting under normal circumstances. Gratitude and respect to all you do under most trying times!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:19:54 -0600
    I can’t imagine how you have and are coping with the pandemic and teaching. I am so glad I am retired. Sending you energy to keep going. Thank you.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:19:53 -0600
  • - 2021-10-05 12:18:40 -0600
    Thanks to all the teachers in Alberta who have persevered during the pandemic. You are very much appreciated by the general public. Take care of yourselves and stay healthy.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:17:52 -0600
    I became a Teacher thanks to the Positive Impact of my teachers beginning in Grade One, Their care, passion and compassion inspired me to grow to be one of them. I in turn took personal interest in our Staff to mentor them and lead them to Success.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:15:13 -0600
    Teachers go beyond their expectations as a professional kids are so lucky to have such caring people who make them feel safe special and who help them with not only academic but with anything in their lives. Thnks Teachers for everything you do
  • - 2021-10-05 12:14:27 -0600
    Thank you for your tireless efforts! You are amazing!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:14:03 -0600
    Thanks to everyone I ever worked with who went above and beyond every single day. You are the best!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:12:11 -0600
  • - 2021-10-05 12:10:55 -0600
    We appreciate so much all you do for our children, especially under such difficult circumstances. You truly are super heroes!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:10:43 -0600
    Thanks to all the teachers out there that have accepted the impossible task put forth by others. No matter what, you are more than “just” a teacher.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:09:08 -0600
    Educators are indeed the future of forthcoming generations. Specialists, generalists and caring human beings who give of themselves for todays youth… WOW!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:04:58 -0600
    Thanks for your outstanding service and dedication in trying times. You make a difference!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:02:38 -0600
    Spent 30 years as a principal in rural Ab. Retired in 2004. Don’t let the UCP and the low end of the curve destroy a world class educational system that took decades to create.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:02:26 -0600
  • - 2021-10-05 12:01:35 -0600
    My heartfelt admiration for teachers comes from the 39 years I spent in the company of amazing educators. Since my retirement I have been increasingly aware of the challenges facing teachers and amazed that’s a good work they do every day. Since the beginning of the pandemic I have been in awe of how teachers have faced the uncertainty, changing circumstances and demands with such professionalism and genuine concern for students. Thank you to all of them!