Selected entries will be posted on
billboards and social media.
There are people in
our lives that make an
impact on us.
A lot of those just
happen to be teachers.
Here is a chance to say
Please tell us who you are.
Schools were closed, then opened, then closed and opened again. Kids were sent home to quarantine and Zoom classrooms became all the norm. Teachers did as best they could. Parents, caught off guard, put in that extra effort to support their children’s learning. Often it was an overwhelming experience. But parents and teachers came to see each other in a new light.

Now with schools open and teachers back in class, it's time to reflect on what we've all been through and how we've depended on each other. And now, on World Teachers Day, let's throw teachers a well-deserved 'thank you.'
"On behalf of Alberta's teachers, thank you, parents for all you have done over the last 18 months to help support learning to continue."
– Jason Schilling, ATA President

Read some of the Thank You comments so far.

Showing 864 reactions

  • - 2021-10-05 13:09:28 -0600
    Thanks for all you do.
  • - 2021-10-05 13:04:16 -0600
    Thank you to all those teachers having to work under such adverse conditions…….
  • - 2021-10-05 13:04:01 -0600
    After parents, who spends more time with students during their formative years? That is why teachers are so important. Thanks to all of them.
  • - 2021-10-05 13:03:15 -0600
    Retired and didn’t have to live through the Covid pandemic! Thanks for being there for all the kids and grandchildren of our province and nation!!!
  • - 2021-10-05 13:02:35 -0600
    Thank you for all you do! Your impact on young lives impact us all now and in the future.
  • - 2021-10-05 13:02:34 -0600
    Thank you to all the teachers from Greentree and DvSS who have had a special part in my children’s! Learning journey! Thank you for all the experiences you gave them.
  • - 2021-10-05 13:01:57 -0600
    Thank you for standing with Alberta and doing the right thing when the government has not supported you. We will make it through Covid and our uncaring provincial government together.
  • - 2021-10-05 13:01:28 -0600
    I would like to send a big shout out to the teachers and staff at the Sylvan Lake schools. You have gone above and beyond for our students in our town. I hope you feel the love and support that we are sending to all of you. Please take time for yourselves to relax, de-stress and keep yourselves healthy.
    I also hope our community works together to keep everyone safe and healthy.
    God bless you in all that you do!
  • - 2021-10-05 13:00:52 -0600
    I’ve practiced, taught, consulted, supervised and guided teaching for the last 40 years ( since 1981) in my school district, with Alberta Education and now at the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Education. Teaching is the ‘parent’ of all professions, the guiding hand of democratic values. Thank you for all that teachers do. Canada is better for their service.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:59:44 -0600
    Thanks to all the good people who put children first and work each day to make a difference.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:59:11 -0600
    Thanks to all teachers and staff. Keep up the great work.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:56:57 -0600
    From the teachers who inspired me through my years in education, through the amazing men and women who have been guiding my children through their educations, to the preschool teachers, therapists and aides that I get to work with every day, there are not words to express my gratitude. Please know, regardless of our earplugged government and those willing to believe untruths; Alberta Teachers, you are noble, hard-working HEROES and you are deeply loved and appreciated. Thank you for everything you do.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:54:54 -0600
    Thank you to all the teachers of King Edward School. You have taken good care of our children. My daughter loves going to school and that is all because of your hard work! ♡ ❤
  • - 2021-10-05 12:54:19 -0600
    Thank you to all Alberta Teachers for their hard work. You are all heroes.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:51:42 -0600
    The last several months have been difficult for everyone. But, with the support and efforts of teachers, the lives of children, parents and, in fact, society as a whole, were able to feel life was continuing with some normalcy. That, as always, is a great source of comfort.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:49:30 -0600
    It’s interesting that it took a pandemic for many people to realize how crucial the work of teachers is to society – and teachers just continue with grace and charm through it all.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:48:17 -0600
    I thank all those dedicated teachers who have followed/are following in the footsteps of the Alberta teachers of my generation.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:48:07 -0600
    Having taught for 32 years and have a daughter who is teaching in Mississauga for Peel School Division ,I say

    Thanks for all you do day in and day out
    Know the pressures you are facing and remember you can only do your best
    Give yourselves a pat on the back and give yourselves permission to sometimes step away and smell the roses
    Years from now your students will remember and thank you
    Your work is truly valued
  • - 2021-10-05 12:48:01 -0600
    Without teachers, we have no future.
    Thank you Teachers!!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:45:19 -0600
    Thank you for your hard work, dedication to your profession and genuine empathy and care for your students.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:42:46 -0600
    Thank you for your courage and tenacity during these challenging months in Alberta. Thanks for showing up and sharing hope.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:42:38 -0600
    Keep making a difference!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:42:25 -0600
    A big bouquet of gratitude to all the teachers for their dedication during such a long challenging time.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:42:08 -0600
    Teachers save lives and builds futures!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:40:02 -0600
    1.Lydia Hertz: grade 3, who treated me as a person and changed my life and learning.
    2. Marshall Bye: Math and Chemistry 10,20,30…
    Made science understood and relevant as applied…

    Forever grateful for these two powerful foundational leaders of learning in my life!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:40:00 -0600
    Words can never totally express the thanks our. Teachers deserve. Their endless quest to teach our students of today and prepare them for their future can not be taken lightly. We ALL owe them a debt of gratitude. This ability to say thanks is only one major step forward.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:39:56 -0600
    Teaching has its challenges during the best of times. I can’t imagine what it’s like during the pandemic. I’m thankful that there are still teachers willing to show up every day for our students!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:36:13 -0600
    I can’t imagine the complexity and divergence of the modern classroom with such a vastly comprehensive and inclusive curriculum. It truly takes a special person to succeed and flourish in such an environment. Well done, and bless you for doing what so many others can not.
  • - 2021-10-05 12:35:40 -0600
    Thank you for all you do, in and out of the classroom, especially through these uncertain Covid times!
    Having been a teacher myself (retired) and with a daughter who teaches, I know how challenging, and rewarding, teaching can be.
    All the best to all teachers who put their heart and soul into it!
  • - 2021-10-05 12:35:35 -0600
    Thank you for your genuine passion, devotion, for ALL students in front of you each and every day.